We invite you to come along and experience the Distance Education way of schooling. Charleville School of Distance Education (formerly Charleville School of the Air) is a unique experience and is one of seven Schools of Distance Education in the state.
Tours are run every week day at 9.30am during the Queensland State School Terms. Each tour involves an explanation of how our school operates and allows tourists to sit in on a lesson with one of the teachers while they are 'on-air' with their students.
Tours cost $5.00 adults (children are free)
Please note that tours do not operate during our whole school field events as there is no on-air lessons during this time.
For large groups visiting, please contact the office on 07 4656 8999 for the booking.
For small groups visiting, you are welcome to arrive on the day without contacting the office for a booking.
Please contact the office on 07 4656 8999 or email us at principal@charlevillesde.eq.edu.au for more information.
The Charleville School of Distance Education Parents and Citizens' Association (P&C) has many fine souvenirs that are available to purchase upon your visit.